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Track your altitude along your route with AltiTrack! Live altitude, travel distance & elevation gain: key information is available at a glance.


AltiTrack provides an effective way to view your current altitude and elevation gain (positive and negative) along your route.

Altitude is obtained via the phone's internal GPS sensor: accuracy is better outdoors and in open fields.


Various options are available:

- Enable/Disable background tracking of position and altitude

- Unit in meters or feet

- Altitude reference: relative to sea level or reference ellipsoid (WGS84)

- Display of current GPS coordinates

- Partial or full sharing of location and altitude data

- Display of map in satellite/hybrid/normal view

- Customizable route display


Guaranteed ad-free and with no in-app purchases.


The application does not access to Internet.

More information

Altitude and accuracy

The application uses the internal iPhone (or iPad) GPS sensor to refresh the location and altitude. Accuracy is significantly better outdoors, when the device is in open field and away from metal objects. Upon application start, the device may take several seconds to obtain accurate data.


Altitude reference

In Mean Sea Level reference, altitude is the estimated device orthometric height above approximate mean sea level. Mean sea level is approximated using the Earth Gravitational Model 2008 (EGM 2008) associated with the World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS84) standard.

In Ellipsoid reference, the altitude is given above the WGS84 ellipsoid.

Privacy Policy

AltiTrack collects your device altitude and location when the application is running. The collected data are not sent to any third party entity. AltiTrack does not access on Internet.

The data collected by the application are not persistant and they are deleted when the application is shut down by the user or the iOS Operating system.


The iPhone (or iPad) GPS sensor is not a certified measuring device. AltiTrack is not a professional grade application.

The use of the application is reserved to amateur usage. Using the application for critical purposes (health, financial, legal, scientific, etc) is not recommended. If necessary, please use the services of a professional measurement specialist.

Contact & Support

© 2023 AltiTrack

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